Move with the transformation of radio
Internet radio is a fresh and legitimate mouthpiece for society.
Just about a few years back, you were excited that your voice was on the radio.
You will boast to your friends or family that you were live, expressing your views on a subject of interest.
That phone call felt good and you were proud to share your opinions on a big public platform.
Surprisingly, it’s amazing how times have now changed. When public ideas are easy to access, and discussing issues of common interest is as simple as pie.
Digital broadcasting, by no mistake it’s a free and a democratic public sphere.
This article serves as to why.
Unlimited access to public debate
Remember when you have to stay long on the line just to comment on public debate. Or struggle to share an idea to improve a political situation. Or even being cut off the conversation because of your “inappropriate language”
Well, gone are those days.
The internet has opened the doors that were previously narrowed by traditional media.
With the aid of social networks merged with online radio, we all now have a voice. We can be bold and fully have our freedom of speech and expression.
Just by a few clicks on our smartphones, tablets, or PCs, we can jump to open discussions and have a say. Our mouths are no longer shut since the internet doesn’t regulate our time to engage in conversations.
Through the “comment” tabs in Social Media, blog posts, and live streams we have the power to engage and voice our thoughts on regular or controversial topics.
No agenda setting and banking system
Majority of online radio stations refrain from the concept of controlled media. Their content serves the public’s interests rather than imposing ideologies.
Trackback to traditional radio, where you have a bunch of editors and external regulators, deciding what content will go public. By the way, that symbolized biased publicity because of imposed media. Forcing on us what we can hear and which topics to engage to.
Internet radio on the other side exposes what is filtered in commercial broadcasting. It pays more attention to the less discussed topics and opens them up for public participation.
Here, we have fresh and unframed content, made by us, and for us. We share our thoughts the way we want to without enforced believes and perceptions.
Online radio is youthful
Besides the slim gate towards public opinion, online radio embraces youth culture. We are the digital breed and everything digital appease us.
Our smartphones grant us access to the world, and our views have become much valid because of autonomous radio stations. We have information at the tips of our fingernails, and it’s up to us how we react or respond to it.