Do you usually go back, re-think the things you said to someone or you just say whatever.
I know a lot of people feel like they are entitled to use any word however or wherever, which is true “freedom of speech”, but the question is are you kind in your words?
Do you speak words that heal?
Are your words strong enough to build someone who’s falling apart?
Do they empower?
Do people go back to the things you said in a conversation, try to relate and stand strong knowing that there’s actually someone who cares about me and I am not alone, I’ll be able to pull through…
Or are your words sharp enough, they pierce through someone heart and destroy them?
Too often people lose the ones they love or rather those who have their best interest at heart because of poor communication skills and without thinking before they speak. “The power of life and death lies in the tongue” that alone should tell that what you utter can be a weapon used against you or you use to others. Weapon how? I know you wondering – let’s look at the power of death lies in your tongue. The words that are so mean, cruel, spoken without care can destroy a person and kill them. With just one bad spoken word can lead to someone thinking they are useless and not feel the need to be in this world. One bad spoken word can kill ones confidence or kill their entire dream. By death we do not only refer to killing someone physically so, but destroying them inside, leaving them in a very dark place and with a void.
You might find that you always lose people in your life not because they don’t love you, but because of the weapon (WORDS) you use that destroys and kill. Now you end up alone feeling like no one wants to be with you, like the whole world is against you not noticing that the weapon (words) is working against you. No there’s nothing wrong with you trust me but the problem is your words and your poor communication skills.
When you speak, do you consider that one might be going through tough times in life and all they need to hear are words that will heal, words to make them feel like even when I am going through tough times I have something to live up for.
It’s hard to make a person who is broken, who lost a loved one, lost so many things in life believe that one day it will get better, but with good selection of words, thinking before you speak, you can actually save a soul. Your words of kindness can make one feel like it’s not the end of the road, yes I have failed but that was just an event I can still try again. Your same words of healing can make someone who’s been trapped finally feel like chains are broken and they are becoming free. I love you comes in so many ways in the way we communicate, just reaching out to someone, asking about their day, just saying I have the whole time for you, tell me what’s bothering you, words like how can I help solve this, where do you need me – those are kind words that everyone deserves to hear and they have love written all over, just saying you important and you are never alone. Showing gratitude, saying thank you when someone is least expecting it, all of these can make a huge difference.
Think before you say something and never allow anger to control you, at the end of the day we are all different –w e have those people who don’t want to be corrected who feels superior, always look down on others, but do you stop and wonder what other people might be going through, wonder or think by your words you led someone to depression. One thing for sure is that you can forgive someone for doing you wrong but you can never forget the WORDS that killed and destroyed you……
Be kind in your words the world needs healing, people with good speech, with empathy, those that understands. You can help make a difference by choosing words that are not hateful, words of wisdom – those that can make one shed tears of joy to say I am where I am today because of that one person who didn’t know what I was going through but spoke to me in a manner that they could see right through me and like they knew that it is that one word I needed to hear to change my life.
Remember we all need each other, not everyone will walk with you in life until the finishing line, some will come and go, change like seasons do – come as a storm, but what you should keep in heart is that – you have to make change, someone needs your kindness and be the person everyone wants to save a sit for in every room.