President Cyril Ramaphosa to finally reveal the sponsors of his CR17 campaign!

CR17 transparent questions and answer by Pres. Cyril Ramaphosa. President Cyril Ramaphosa has finally availed himself to give details and answer questions relating to his CR17 presidential campaign donors. Opposition parties have been questioning the funders of his massive campaign that played a critical role to his presidential seat. There have been unconfirmed claims by…

US president Donald trump threatens to take care of “BlackLivesMatter” protesters

US president Donald Trump has slammed,demonstrators who rallied outside The White House and labelled them as “Thugs”. He called on the City mayor to control the situations before they intervene, claiming that it endangers innocent people. 6 days after the brutal shooting of Jacob blake, who was unarmed protests against Racial injustices and Police brutality towards black men still continues. Mr Blake was shot in front of his children who were inside the car he was trying to ride in. He was handcuffed to hospital. It was reported that he is now paralyzed and there is no telling that he will walk again. Two people have been shot dead by a teenager and One injured. The teenager was arrested but insisted he was protecting his city. The black lives matter movement has yet again made waves on social media and in the streets.